Don't look at me, I'm hideous right now.
By which I mean this page. Srsly, don't look at it until I have it all fixed.
Until then, you can read my regular blog here.
I was/am also sj on goodreads.
Stupid question because voting is FUN!
I got roped into doing this "Let's Vote for the Best YA Books Ever" thing, people nominated the books and I split them up into brackets.
The first round of voting starts here, there are two posts so far pitting books head to head and there will be two more tomorrow.
Go vote! You know you want to.
As I mentioned before, I host a twitter drinkalong every other week. It is USUALLY a film adaptation of a book (but not always). I tend to get quite ranty, so if you're interested in that, you can totes log on just to watch me lose my mind, BUT!
This week we're watching The Princess Bride, which is not only one of my favourite books, but a movie I love, as well.
You should join us. It's a lot of fun, swearsies.
Every other week I host a drinkalong on Twitter. We all start a movie at the same time and livetweet while drinking to preset rules. We've done Harry Potter, LotR, Holy Grail and we just finished all of the View Askew movies.
This week we're watching The Dark Crystal, so if you're not doing anything tonight at 10:15pm EDT, why not stop by?
More information can be found here.
Sorry for the Spacehog earworm, truly.
But I just realized there's a new audience for this awesome shirt I made. You want one, right? Yeah, you do. Click.
Attempting to manually delete all reviews cos they're just...fucked. AND ALL THE BOOKS ARE WRONG. Well, not all of them, but MANY OF THEM.
So, just ignore me for now.
Sorry, guys. Import was wonky and all formatting was lost, plus it looks like old ish is showing up first. I'll figure out what's going on soon.
Fuck it. This is the collection of all 6 issues of Punk Rock Jesus and I KNOW it isn't out til April, but I just finished reading #6 and if I wait til April to talk about it, I'll forget everything I want to say about the series as a whole.
First, though -
THE COVER FOR #6! It's probably one of my favourite comic covers ever.
Punk Rock Jesus is dirty and violent and a helluva good time.
I went in expecting something fun, along the lines of Jesus Hates Zombies Featuring Lincoln Hates Werewolves, so I wasn't prepared for the IRA hits on THE FIRST FUCKING PAGES (which totes made me cry, not gonna lie - read it, you'll see why) - and I wasn't exactly ready for what I ended up reading.
In brief - The Shroud of Turin is used to create a clone of Jesus. Instead of waiting for the Messiah to return, we've decided to bring him to us. Chris is raised on tv and eventually rebels, joining a band called the Flak Jackets who decide to tour the Holy Land.
The best parts of the story don't deal with Chris, though, but with his 6'7" former IRA bodyguard, Thomas. Thomas breaks my heart in the best possible way.
Not a fun read, but still a good one. Sean Murphy's art is perfect for the story being told, and the story itself was worth the time spent waiting for individual issues. I'll be buying this collection.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure 17y/o sj's room was used as reference for the following panel:
I just today remembered that this book existed. I read the whole thing standing in a used book store one afternoon shortly after it came out, and was more than a little disgusted by it.
The art is lovely, but it was the concept that I found bothersome.
Because, yes, as an adult - I still believe in faeries.
A friend got it for me as a birthday gift not long after I read it, thinking that it would be perfect for faerie loving me, and I gave that grin that says to most people "Oh, I LOVE IT!" but really means "Oh, I love YOU, so I'll PRETEND to love it!"
Everyone has one of those grins, I've perfected mine over a number of years.
I wanted to love this book, but the thought of smushing faeries, even if it's just to capture their essences (which really sounds dirty now that I think about it) put a bad taste in my mouth (which furthers that dirtiness earlier in the sentence, I guess).
It's kind of making me sad thinking about it now, and I'm glad this wasn't around when I was a kid. I would have taken the whole thing as a personal affront and refused to ever watch Monty Python again because Terry Jones would have been DEAD TO ME.
He was never my favourite, anyway.
I wish I still had my copy of this book. Well, I think it was this book (they have the same Nautilus on the cover), but there are no different editions and I'm really too lazy to go looking to make sure I have the right one.
Regardless, for a while when I was young I thought I wanted to be a photographer. I spent hours and hours in the dark room in high school, trying to achieve the perfect prints. Since it was sound and light proof, I'd take my mix tapes in there (only one person has ever made a comparably awesome tape like I did, yo - I wonder what happened to him?) and sing along under my breath as I attempted to get the filters and focus and size and everything just so...inspired by this book, a friend even allowed me to take some (tasteful) nudes of her. Of course I gave her the negatives and the prints once I'd satisfied myself that I could do it...but nothing I shot ever came close to achieving Weston's perfection. How could it? I was 15/16/17 and had no little idea what I was doing.
I seem to have strayed from my point, which is what happens when I'm writing reviews because I don't want to get back to the book I'm currently reading.
(Civilian Defence is still my favourite.)